Bowman Haley Dam -- 20 miles -- Great for boating and walleye, bass, and pike fishing. All times of the year.
Theodore Roosevelt National Park -- Medora, ND -- 80 miles
Sweetwater Golf Coarse -- 5 miles
Pioneer Trails Regional Museum , Bowman, ND -- Paleontology to Genealogy, Native American history to local history, Native Prairie Garden, Fossil Day Tours (June-August)
Fort Dilts 1864, State Historical Site -- 13 miles -- Display also at Pioneer Trails Museum
Dory's Antique Car Museum -- 20 miles -- in Marmarth, ND. Collection of old west and rodeo memorabilia, and a large assortment of antique cars
North Dakota High School Rodeo Finals -- at the fairgrounds, Bowman, ND -- June 13,14 15.
Golf course, 2 miles
Bowman Haley Dam, 20 miles
Medora Roosevelt National Park, 75 miles